Tuesday, 24 November 2009

~salam imtihan buat semua...

Allah doesn't require you to be the BEST
He just want you to do your BEST
and He'll take care of the rest..insyaAllah
ALL THE BEST to all of us! ^_^

"...kemudian, apabila engkau telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakallah kpd
Allah. Sungguh, Allah mencintai orang yg bertawakkal." (Al-Imran:159)

"...And when thou art resolved, then put thy trust in Allah. Lo! Allah loveth those
who put their trust (in Him)." (3:159)

~Hope for the best and may success be on our side. No matter what happens, never let the spirit dies. Ultimately, may Allah guide all our hearts closer to truth! insyaAllah..