Tuesday, 29 September 2009
You are never alone!
"You Are Never Alone"
by Zain Bhikha
Sometimes, when the world's not on your side
You don't know where to run to
You don't know where to hide.
You gaze, at the stars in the sky
At the mountains so high
Through the tears in your eyes.
Looking for a reason,
to replace what is gone.
Just remember, remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
So now as you long for your past
Prepare for your future
But knowing nothings going to last
You see this life is but a road
A straight and narrow path
To our final abode
So travel well O Muslim
And Paradise will be your home
And always remember
That you are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (Allah is there)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
You are never alone (you are never never alone)
Just reach into your heart
And Allah is always there.
You are never alone (you are never alone)
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You are never alone.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
a love letter

Ever wonder how would a love letter affects you? Especially when it's written by a person that you really love; your spouse (if married), parents, siblings, family, friends etc. I believe that I had millions of them including the small encouraging notes, emails in my yahoo mailbox, good luck wishes, special notes written in the birthday cards etc (I considered them as love letters as well..hehehh). When it comes to this kind of letter I would be deeply fall in love with the soothing and beautiful words and I'm really appreciate it. Somehow the letter will affect your mood and mind at that perticular time or whenever you read it. And most of it will be the positive tones, either you're feeling happy, encouraged, blessed. Thanks to all the people around me who always shower me with love and care, what else should I ask from Allah except for their safety and health now and always insyaAllah..May Allah bless all of you!

This is an extract of one of the love letters that I received. I'm so touched!
Salam wbt duhai sahabatku yg kukasihi krn Allah..
Engkau tabahkanlah hatimu menghadapi ujian dr Allah..sungguh Allah itu Maha Adil pada hamba-hambaNya..kuatkanlah kakimu melangkah menghadapi hari-hari mendatang.. insyaAllah setiap langkahanmu diperhitung oleh Allah sebagai titis-titis kesabaran bagi mencapai ketaqwaan kepadaNya.
Wahai sahabat,
Sungguh diriku sangat menyayangimu!
Apa jua keputusan yang diambil insyaAllah akan kusokong sepenuhnya.Sahabatku,
Usah dikesali akan apa yang telah berlaku kerana Allah tidak akan pernah menginginkan kesusahan buatmu. Namun itulah yang terbaik yang datang dari Allah. Ketahuilah bahawa Allah teramat sangat mengasihimu duhai sahabat!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Ujian tanda Allah sayang!=)

"Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga, padahal belum nyata bagi Allah orang-orang yang berjihad diantaramu dan belum nyata orang-orang yang sabar. "(Ali Imran:142)
Ujian adalah guru yang tidak bercakap tetapi mengajar dan mendidik kita. Ia hakikatnya komunikasi tanpa bicara antara Tuhan dengan hambaNya. Tidak kiralah ujian tersebut kecil mahupun besar adalah takdir Allah untuk kita.
Apabila ujian menimpa, kita:
-mula melatah
-merungut merasakan Allah itu tidak adil
-secara tidak sedar, timbul rasa dendam dan buruk sangka kepada pencipta kita.
Namun hakikatnya, ia melatih kita mendapatkan sifat-sifat yang terpuji (sabar, redha, baik sangka, tawakkal, akui diri sebagai hamba yang lemah, mengharap pertolongan Allah)
Allah mahu kita beringat-ingat agar dengan ujian ini kita sebagai hamba akan datang untuk mengadu, mengharap, merintih belas ihsan dan sentiasa merasakan hanya kepada Allah tempat kita meminta segala-galanya.
Eid Mubarak!

Indeed, it's been a while i havent post any entry here..sorry bout that. yup juz like all of u celebrating eid, i was so busy preparing for the celebration (but not really cook like our chef catarina..hehehh i'm juz helping around) plus the freshers are coming so need more helping hands to cater them.
Happy..Excited..Blessed and all those positive expressions can be seen thru most of us during eid but some may experience a bit gloomy and sad if they werent with their loved ones..huuhhuu
As for me, i've had bits of both feelings. A bit sad as Ramadhan is over and obviously i'm away from my beloved family. Anyway, i'm glad to have many friends that will cheer me up during eid and insyaAllah for the rest of the year. Thanks to all of u and special dedication to catarina as well, may our ukhuwwah last forever insyaAllah.
May the guidance and blessings of Allah be with you and your family!

Have a great eid mubarak everyone! ~smile~
Monday, 21 September 2009
Eid songs dedication!!!

salam wbt..
sorry for not updating this blog lately. i was a bit busy with Eid preparation. we had a grand open house this year!! =) it happened that we still have lots of work to be done that we end up being awake for the whole night before raya. it took ages for us to finish cooking. and i'm glad its over now!! =D we successfully made rendang, lodeh, kuah kacang as well as my first trial cheese brownies. it was finger licking good!so happy that my brownies was finished when the open house was over. anyway, Eid Mubarak to everyone!!hope you had a great one too!!=D by the way, i wish to dedicate a few songs to my dearest h5!Eid Mubarak to you h5!!sorry for all my mistakes!!may our ukhuwah last till paradise..inysaAllah!ukhuwah fillah ukhti!love you so much!!enjoy the song!!=)
-suasana hari raya-
-dari jauh ku pohon maaf-
-menjelang hari raya-
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Jom berhari raya bersama Rasulullah saw

Alhamdulillah, sudah hampir sebulan kita mengerjakan ibadah puasa. Tinggal beberapa hari lagi sebelum laungan takbir Aidilfitri dialunkan.
Saya pasti, ramai yang berasa sedih untuk meninggalkan bulan ini. Bulan pesta ibadah yang pahalanya digandakan. Masakan tidak, setiap amalan sunat sama dengan amalan wajib dan setiap amalan wajib yang dikerjakan digandakan 70 kali ganda. Subhanallah. Maha suci Allah Yang Maha Kaya. Bagaimanapun kita menginginkan bulan ini tidak berakhir, ia tetap akan meninggalkan kita. Terpulang bagaimana kita telah memanfaatkannya. Moga-moga matlamat taqwa itu dapat dicapai dan kita dapat melalui sebelas bulan lagi dengan penuh ketaqwaan kepadaNya. Insya-Allah…
Dalam keghairahan kita semua menyambut Aidilfitri, sunnah baginda Rasul jangan dilupa. Let’s do it the right way this Hari Raya.
"Nabi saw pernah datang ke Madinah sedangkan penduduknya memiliki dua hari raya yang pada keduanya mereka bermain-main (bergembira) di masa jahiliyyah, maka baginda bersabda: “Aku datang kepada kalian sedangkan kalian memiliki dua hari (raya) yang menjadi medan permainan kalian pada masa jahiliyyah. Dan sesungguhnya Allah telah menggantikan keduanya dengan yang lebih baik iaitu Hari Raya Aidiladha dan Aidilfitri"
(Hadis Riwayat an-Nasai’)
‘Ied Fitri
Dari sudut bahasa:
‘Ied: sesuatu yang berlaku secara berulang-ulang atau suatu hari yang terjadi perkumpulan.
Fitri atau fitrah: sediakala atau sifat asal.
Hari Raya ‘Ied al-fitri adalah salah satu dari hari kebesaran umat Islam yang disambut pada tanggal 1 Syawal setiap tahun bagi menyambut kejayaan umat Islam setelah berjaya menyempurnakan ibadah sepanjang bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak dan kembali kepada fitrah iaitu sifat asal manusia yang dibenarkan makan dan minum sepanjang hari.
Amalan-amalan sunat pada hari raya ‘Ied al-Fitri.
- Amalan yang disyariatkan berdasarkan firman Allah;
“Dan juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadhan) dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah (dengan bertakbir) kerana mendapat petunjukNya, dan supaya kamu bersyukur” (al-Baqarah:185)
- Dimulai ketika terbitnya hilal (anak bulan) dan berakhir dengan selesainya ‘Ied iaitu ketika imam selesai dari khutbah (menurut Ibn Taimiyah)
- Ketika di dalam perjalanan untuk solat ‘Ied, disunnahkan juga untuk kita bertakbir sehinggalah apabila solat akan didirikan
- Disunnahkan mandi di pagi Hari raya iaitu sebelum berangkat menuju ke tempat perlaksanaan solat ‘Ied al-Fitri.
“Menurut Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah: Baginda saw mandi sebelum berangkat mengerjakan solat ‘Ied”
- Tatacara mandi sunat di pagi Hari Raya ini adalah sama dengan tatacara mandi wajib (janabah)
- Disunnahkan untuk menjamah makanan sebelum berangkat menunaikan solat ‘Ied al-Fitri.
- Ini bertujuan menutup segala andaian bahawa dibenarkan berpuasa pada hari ‘Ied.
- Rasulullah makan kurma dalam jumlah yang ganjil di pagi ‘Ied
Dari Anas b Malik, dia berkata; “Rasulullah saw tidak pergi (ke musolla) pada pagi ‘Ied al-Fitri hingga baginda makan beberapa buah kurma.”
Murajja’ b Raja’ berkata: Ubaidillah menceritakan kepadaku bahawa Anas berkata: “Rasulullah saw memakannya di dalam jumlah yang ganjil”
- Disunnahkan untuk kita memakai pakaian yang indah-indah pada Hari Raya. (baca: bezakan pakaian indah dengan pakaian baru)
Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah berkata: Baginda saw mengenakan pakaian yang paling indah ketika keluar untuk solat ‘Ied. Bahkan baginda mempunyai pakaian khusus yang digunakan hanya untuk solat Jumaat dan ‘Ied.
- Dianjurkan berjalan kaki menuju tempat dikerjakan solat ‘Ied jika tidak memberatkan.
- Ini sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan dari Ali b Abi Talib ra:
“Termasuk sunnah, iaitu engkau berjalan kaki menuju tempat solat ‘Ied dan memakan sesuatu sebelum berangkat”
- Jabir b Abdullah ra berkata;
“Nabi saw melalui jalan yang berbeza pada hari ‘Ied.” (Sahih Bukhari)
*rujukan: Amalan-amalan di Bulan Ramadhan karangan Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah terbitan Jahabersa
by:habibah ghazali
link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1552274827&ref=nf#/note.php?note_id=154497313707&ref=mf
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Ramadhan...janganlah engkau pergi..
Ramadhan 4hari je lagi!!!!huhu..sedihnya!!(T_T) jangan la engkau pergi wahai Ramadhan...diri ini masih belum betul-betul menghargai kehadiranmu. kepada diri yang sering alpa, bangunlah qiam pada malam-malam terakhir...speedkan tilawah Al-Quran (mesti khatam jugak bulan Ramadhan nie)...banyakkan zikir pada Allah..bacalah matsurat setiap hari...jangan disia-siakan Ramadhan kali ni. mungkin takkan hadir Ramadhan seterusnya buat kita..=(
Sama-sama kita hayati nasihat Ramadhan..
Sunday, 13 September 2009
lovely dua
a lovely dua which i came across from my dearest kak Nurul's blog (http://cahaya.blogdrive.com/)
Allahumman fa’ni bimaa ‘allamtanii, wa’allimni ma yanfa’uni wa zidni ‘ilman.
“Ya ALLAH, berikanlah manfaat kepadaku atas apa yang telah KAU ajarkan padaku, ajarkanlah kepadaku ilmu yang bermanfaat dan tambahkanlah ilmuku.
let us all practice it and may we be granted with good knowledge from Allah swt.
cortisol and growth hormone??
just yesterday i learnt in Endocrinology that our cortisol hormone level is very high at early in the morning. incase you guys don't know, cortisol is the stress hormone in our body. It helps us to manage stress in our everyday life. (see how bad stress is that we even need a hormone to handle it! =D )Anyway, the level gradually drops during other times. well, why do we care about this hormone??let me tell you. If cortisol level is very high at early in the morning, this means we are able to manage stress pretty well during that time. So, this makes sense why we should be studying / revising /memorising things early in the morning. studying will be much easier AND....at least this is one of the reasons why we should not sleep after Subuh prayer. we totally do not want to waste the best time to study don't we? =)
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahualaihi wassalam also made a beautiful dua for us, he said: "May Allah bless my Ummah in its early hours".

another hormone which might interest you is the growth hormone. The most significant increase of this hormone follows the onset of sleep. so there may be a basis for the old wives' tale that you will not grow if you do not get a good night's sleep. =)
in a nutshell, we need to sleep early (recommended after isya' prayer) and wake up early in the morning too. let us all be a fresh productive muslim!
medical student
Saturday, 12 September 2009
ku merindui sahabatku!

saat menulis ini, teringat pada sahabat-sahabat yang telah banyak melalui rintangan bersama sepanjang hidup ini. kisah suka duka bersama pastinya tidak akan dapat dilupakan sampai bila-bila. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah kurniakan kita sahabat yang sangat mengambil berat pasal diri kita dan lebih-lebih lagi yang sentiasa membawa kita kepada Allah. alangkah indah persahabatan sebegitu! =) apa sahaja yang dilakukan kepada sahabat, satu pun tak diminta untuk dibalas melainkan kerana inginkan keredhaaan Allah.
teringat pada kata-kata seseorang, "kebaikan apa pun yang kamu lakukan kepada sahabat kamu adalah tanggungjawab kamu pada Allah dan kebaikan apa pun yang sahabat kamu lakukan pada kamu adalah tanggungjawab dia pada Allah." so sweet kan! jelas menunjukkan bahawa perlunya kita ikhlas dalam bersahabat. insyaAllah, setiap kebaikan yang kita lakukan tidak pernah sia-sia di pandangan Allah malah dicintai oleh Allah.
Ayuh laksanakan tanggungjawab untuk meraih REDHA Allah!!
sungguh....ku merindu sahabat sebegitu...(",)
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Talking to Young Muslims
Talking To Young Muslims
by Idris Tawfiq

A simple-and-easy-to-understand book by a British Muslim writer who engaged the young Muslims about Life an its challenges as well as about how to live as Muslims in a world with so many distractions. The contents include about being young and Muslim, first day experience at university, answers to the questions from Muslim youth all over the world etc.
An extract from the book that was really interesting to ponder:
Being a Muslim is great. But one thing I must say is that people who converted
to Islam are more honest, dedicated, devoted, literate, compassionate, faithful,
caring than like us who are born in Muslim families or have taken for granted
Islam as a religion. We don't know its true spirit. We do pray 5 times a
day but we're dishonest in our daily lives. What is your opinion?
Do read it whenever possible! ~smile~
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Facing life...
(Credit to a friend of mine)
Don't compare yourself with any one in this world.
If you compare, you're insulting yourself.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly God won't give problems without solutions.
Life laughs at you when you're unhappy...
Life smiles at you when you're happy...
Life salutes you when you make others happy...
Every successful person has a painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain and get ready for success!
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognise our own mistakes.
It's easier to protect your feet with slippers
than to cover the earth with carpet.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning;
but anyone can start now and create a successful ending!
If a problem can be solved, no need to be worry about it.
If a problem cannot be solved what is the use of worrying.
If you miss an opportunity, don't fill the eyes with tears.
It'll hide another better opportunity in front of you.
"Changing the Face" can change nothing.
But "Facing the Change" can change everything.
Don't complain about others; change yourself if you want peace.
Mistakes are painful when they happen.
But year's later collection of mistakes called experience,
which leads to success Insya'Allah!
Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.
Heated gold becomes ornament.
Beaten copper becomes wires.
Depleted stone becomes statue.
So the more pain you get in life you become more valuable.
May Allah guide us all..Insya'Allah!
Welcome aboard!
In search of Allah's love, many have done good deeds towards others in so many kinds of ways for the cause of Allah. I noticed that nowadays people are so into blogging either on a part-time or full-time basis and it has become a trend for youngsters to have one which has made the author to realise about the great way of serving others through writings.
So here goes this blog, may it serves the purpose of giving benefits towards others. Do enjoy it and leave comments where necessary. The author is still in the learning process of refining her style of writing in English.
May Allah bless all of us Insha'Allah...